Feature Flags

Read the Docs offers some additional flag settings which can be only be configured by the site admin. These are optional settings and you might not need it for every project. By default, these flags are disabled for every project. A separate request can be made by contacting us via email to enable or disable one or more of these featured flags for a particular project.

Available Flags



The version of conda used in the build process could not be the latest one. This is because we use Miniconda, which its release process is a little more slow than conda itself. In case you prefer to use the latest conda version available, this is the flag you need.


Makes Read the Docs to install all the requirements at once on conda create step. This helps users to pin dependencies on conda and to improve build time.


conda solver consumes 1Gb minimum when installing any package using conda-forge channel. This seems to be a known issue due conda forge has so many packages on it, among others. Using this feature flag allows you to use mamba instead of conda to create the environment and install the dependencies. mamba is a drop-in replacement for conda that it’s much faster and also reduces considerably the amount of memory required to solve the dependencies.



The DONT_SHALLOW_CLONE flag is useful if your code accesses old commits during docs build, e.g. python-reno release notes manager is known to do that (error message line would probably include one of old Git commit id’s).




When Read the Docs detects that your project doesn’t have an index.md or README.rst, it auto-generate one for you with instructions about how to proceed.

In case you are using a static HTML page as index or an generated index from code, this behavior could be a problem. With this feature flag you can disable that.

Last change: Tue, 03 Aug 2021 10:25 PM UTC