General Computer Setup

Checklist for the various things needed to set up your development environment and tools

  • Enable Linux on your Chromebook

  • Handy aliases and abbreviations into .bashrc and .bash_aliases

  • Install Visual Studio Code

  • Connect with vscode in the cloud so your settings persist over devices and sessions

  • Create SSH keys to communicate securely with the cloud

  • Configure ssh keys and token for vscode

  • Configure ssh keys and token for DigitalOcean

  • Install DigitalOcean doctl

  • Install Docker

Enable Linux on your Chromebook

In your Chromebook settings, enable the Linux (Beta)

Details about your computer and operating system

Chromebook is Debian

Chromebook is Debian

connorstom@penguin:~$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Digitalocean is Ubuntu

Digitalocean is Ubuntu

// this chart would be different on Ubuntu. Here is a Debain example
connorstom@penguin:~$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"

Handy aliases and abbreviations into .bashrc and .bash_aliases

There are some useful aliases in .bash_alias of this repo:

In this file here [.bash_aliases](

Edit the file .bash_aliases and put the contents from GitHub

source ~/.bashrc
// in the future, you will just need to type 'sc' and it will source your .bashrc which calls .bash_aliases

VS Code install for Debian and Ubuntu based distributions

The easiest way to install Visual Studio Code for Debian/Ubuntu based distributions is to download and install the [.deb package (64-bit)](, either through the graphical software center if it’s available, or through the command line with:

sudo apt install ./<file>.deb

download the file from the website to downloads and move it to linux file system then review this:

If you’re on an older Linux distribution, you will need to run this instead:

sudo dpkg -i <file>.deb
sudo apt-get install -f # Install dependencies

// validate install
$ code --version

Installing the .deb package will automatically install the apt repository and signing key to enable auto-updating using the system’s package manager. Note that 32-bit and .tar.gz binaries are also available on the [VS Code download page](

The repository and key can also be installed manually with the following script:

curl | gpg --dearmor >
sudo install -o root -g root -m 644 /usr/share/keyrings/
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vscode.list'

Then update the package cache and install the package using:

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install code

sudo apt install gnome-keyring

Installing Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

To install Visual Studio Code on your Ubuntu system, follow these steps:

  1. First, update the packages index and install the dependencies by typing:

  2. sudo apt update

  3. sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget

  4. Next, import the Microsoft GPG key using the following [wget command](

  5. wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

  6. And enable the Visual Studio Code repository by typing:

  7. sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"

  8. Once the [apt repository is enabled](, install the latest version of Visual Studio Code with:

  9. sudo apt update

  10. sudo apt install code

That’s it. Visual Studio Code has been installed on your Ubuntu desktop and you can start using it.

Starting Visual Studio Code

Now that VS Code is installed on your Ubuntu system you can launch it either from the command line by typing code or by clicking on the VS Code icon (Activities -> Visual Studio Code).

When you start VS Code for the first time, a window like the following should appear:


Fig. 129 vscode-default-home-screen.jpg

Connect with vscode in the cloud so your settings persist over devices and sessions

vscode->settings->Sync Data

There is a very good set of detailed instructions about vscode cloud settings sync HERE

If you previously have a cloud account you can merge your data


Fig. 131 merge or replace cloud sync data

You can now start installing extensions and configuring VS Code according to your preferences.

How to update VS code to the latest version in linux

How to update VS code to the latest version in linux

sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade code

Updating Visual Studio Code - every month need to do this

When a new version is released you can update the Visual Studio Code package through your desktop standard Software Update tool or by running the following commands in your terminal:

// update code vscode and upgrade vscode code
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

// or just this
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade code

Installing Git so you can work with GitHub

Download and install Git

$ sudo apt-get install git

// Now git should be installed. To check use
$ git --version
git version 2.19.1

Configuring GitHub git config

Once the installation has successfully completed, the next thing to do is to set up the configuration details of the GitHub user. To do this use the following two commands by replacing “user_name” with your GitHub username and replacing “email_id” with your email-id you used to create your GitHub account.

Set the git config global values

git config --global coding-to-music
git config --global

To validate correct setup

git config --list

Check that GitHub can be reached

ssh -vT

Create .ssh directory and generate SSH public and private keys

Create a directory for the public keys

// In root
Mkdir .ssh
Chmod 700 .ssh
Cd .ssh

// Create SSH public and private keys
// Store them here

Chmod 600 private_key

Create SSH Key for Github

Now you need to create your SSH key for Github

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “”

// It will get saved to
home/tom/.ssh/id_rsa             // this is the private key, very long paragraph
home/tom/.ssh/         // this is the public key,      short paragraph
// Copy that key in that file. I would suggest using Win SCP to download the file similar to FTP

file: (this is a public key you will paste in GitHub or DigitalOcean)

- 7 lines length public key
- a short paragraph
- this is what you will paste into GitHub and Digitalocean
- e1f0vfsMPOANChLOUWbSJTtf4s4P2x6CAYCOQYcd “”

file: ssh-rsa (this is your secret, it is not public):

- really big length private key

GitHub - set your ssh key and get your GitHub token for vscode

Once you copy the key, - sign into Github and - goto “Settings->SSH and GPG Keys” and - add and name of the new key


Fig. 132 ssh keys in GitHub

After ssh-keygen

// display the ssh public key so you can copy it

Let vscode know about the GitHub token

Let vscode know about the GitHub token at the bottom left of vscode click bottom-left and paste github token into the command prompt area in the top menu toolbar

  • and copy it and paste it into github/settings/sshkeys

  • then go back to vscode, click on the left panel source control icon

  • click to clone a repository or some other activity that will involve GitHub

  • it will ask you for access, click yes, it will bring you to github, approve (and if necessary copy the token and paste it into vscode but you probably won’t need to)


Fig. 133 bottom left of vscode click and paste github token

set ssh key at Digitalocean - what & where to

Last change: Tue, 03 Aug 2021 10:25 PM UTC